In the first place, it must be said that despite his immense intellectual contributions and his deep analysis of 19th century capitalism, Charles Marx didn´t leave any book or writing outlining how a communist society would look like. He only wrote once that in communism, every person will go from receiving according to their capacity to receiving according to their needs. This is a very vague idea. So, is Cuba true to Marx? It´s hard to say. Paramount leader Fidel Castro built a Communist Party and a communist state following the Soviet model. In orthodox Marxist practice, the government is the dictatorship of the proletariat, of the workers. What we have actually seen in Cuba is a dictatorship of Fidel Castro and his brother Raúl Castro, in which they and a small elite of top party, state and military officials hold power exclusively.
Prosperity in Cuba? Definitely no. The Cuban experiment is a failure after 60 years of communist rule; the Cuban economy is not dynamic, it is dominated by the higly ineffective state-run mammoths, many Cubans live in nearly-poverty, food rationing continues, it is tecnologically backward. No democratic freedoms. Most young people want to emigrate and settle in the US or elsewhere. The traditional Soviet-like economic model, a command economy, is a system that can´t create wealth and can´t lead to prosperity because its ideological foundations are wrong; only an economy based on a free-market and private enterprise can generate and sustain wealth. The American embargo is usually blamed by Cuban leader as the main reason for this situation, but Cuba can import technology from other countries, trade with them and get investments. So, why does it continue to lag behind?
in documents dating to 2006, government officials predicted that that pandemic would threaten critical businesses and warn them to prepare. meat packing companies largely ignored them, and now i'm nearly every one of the predictions has came true
Enlightenment is actually one of the factors that the Declaration of Independence was modeled after. The Declaration of Independence is what started the revolution. The Brittians heard of the declaration, and didn't want Americans to be independent on their own land.
Harlem is a large neighborhood in the New York City borough of Manhattan. It is also known under the name of <em>Black Mecca</em>. It is a major African American residential, cultural and businesses centre.
It was originally settled by the Dutch in 1658 and remained undeveloped territory for almost 200 years. It is named after the city of Haarlem in the Netherlands.
As New York's population grew, Harlem developed. Big urban progress was noted around 1880 when elevated railway lines were extended in that direction and many apartments buildings erected. Due to some unrealistic expectation many housing estates remained vacant and a major part of New York's black population were relocated there.
During 1920's, Harlem flourished with artistic and cultural expression and this period earned Harlem the distinction of <em>' Harlem Renaissance</em>'. Many artists wanted to show the black culture and its achievements to the world. They were proud of their African heritage. This outpouring of artistic work was unprecedented in the American -black community.