Use a formal or informal question to ask each person how he or she is: 6 points)
1 answer:
1. Como esta usted.
2. Como estas
3.buenas tardes senora, como esta (Usted)
4. Que tal
5. Como has estado
There are many ways to say this, formally use Usted for "You"
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Answer by Mimiwhatsup: Brazil, Suriname and French Guyana, as well as Puerto Rico, Cuba do not have spanish as their primary language and it is less spoken there.
Correct. it means ivette needs to call him.
"Pinata" is made of cardboard and brightly decorated, participants are blindfolded and given a stick to break it open. "Misa de Gallo" is a religious tradition in Spain, known to us Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. "Reyes de Magos" is another religious tradition originating from Spain. We know it as Three Kings Day.