The Three men's lives were saved as they were held above water by the monster which they discover to be a modern submarine, named the Nautilus, as they climb inside they come upon the submarines captain and his crew, his name is Captain Nemo (as i recall).
The application was accepted by the judge.
Both Napoleon and Snowball definitely want the the farm run by animals by getting rid of Mr. Johns and they both are instrumental in spreading Animalism. But they are also different, Snowball wants animals to work together and run the farm, while Napoleon is more totalitarian and eventually usurps power.
Answer: boarding the dog at the vet
A vertinary doctor is the doctor that is in charge of taking care of animals. Since the dog just had surgery and the whole family is leaving on vacation, the best thing is to drop the dog with the vertinary doctor.
The vertinary doctor will give the dog the adequate care and treatment it needs to get better.