I'm guessing you're identifing the verb in this sentence in that case the answer would be:
can be considered
In a contest I signed up for I had to created rubber band jewelry. So I had to save my allowance and go to the store and buy some really bright neon rubber bands. I got home and started making double wrap bracelets. On my 5th bracelet I goofed on the pattern and decided to retrace my steps to make it right.
Explanation: I hope this helps you with your sequence of events essay!
It begins with “Archaeologists are discovering...”
Sorry that doesn’t make sense
Nature is presented as superior to humans in all inevitability in the text.
When the text beings, the two brothers treat nature as something they can easily control as they wish to but as it progresses, the strife between the brothers begins to culminate. It represents the infighting between humans.
Von Gradwitz and Znaeym eventually lose to the nature, not to each other as they fought for a narrow strip of forest for so long.
They remain the true interlopers of the story and the nature triumphs as something that cannot be overcome by any man.