"The lure of new, high-paying, high-skill manufacturing jobs"
Towards the end of the 1800s, the United States of American economy moved or transitioned away from agriculture to an industrial economy.
It's evident through many railroad construction and the western territory expansion which led to more jobs, business, and manufacturing of goods.
Blonde hair and blue eyes was the Nazi ideal. Actually, as an ideal, it has never been, nor is now, limited to them. But anyway, it was just that, an ideal. Some Germans had those features, and were Praised. But for the ones who didn't, it Really wasn't a big deal. They didn't really divided the world into blondes and everyone else, that is a myth.
More technology and innovation lead to faster and more efficient production, leading to more profits for companies and more money for the growing economy.
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
"Washington was especially influenced by the famous Roman statesmen Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus (after whom the city of Cincinnati was named) and Marcus Tullius Cicero. Both Cincinnatus and Cicero were somewhat obsessed with civic virtue and duty to the public, far and above their own private desires."