Yes, because all the present actions of human beings will directly influence and impact future generations. An example of this responsibility is on the use of scarce environmental resources, such as pollution of the oceans and air, deforestation, the production of waste, etc.
It is essential that the current generation is aware of how the present and future quality of life is directly linked to education, ethics, the awareness of people, governments and industries, so that the world is a positive place for future generations, where it there is war, hunger or pollution, but union, respect and quality of life.
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
1. He was born in Milan
2. Thomas Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light
3.yes, He did
4. 1093
John should make sure he trains the workers better, including how to fix the machine.
Ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is appealing to the reader by the author establishing his credability. Pathos is appealing to the reader by the author "pulling at the readers heart strings." This means he is illiciting emotions in the reader. Logos is appealing to the reader by the author establishing logic in his argument. These stratagies are used by all authors, not just historical fiction writers.