The preview pane. On the right hand side of the file explorer.
Indirect quotations can add information that strengthens your content in many of the same ways as direct quotations so. Essentially, indirect quotes carry the meaning of a speaker or writer's original words without using the exact words.
The correct answer to the following question will be "The wavelengths of the electron beams are also much shorter or less than illumination and visible light".
TEM seems to be a methodology of microscopy during which a pulse of electrons is transferred to create the effect through some kind of microscope, could approach biological objects at the sub-nanometer standard, as related to hundreds of nano-meters for either the absolute best microscope with super-resolution.
Also because of the electron beam's distances, they are still much shorter or smaller than daylight and infrared light, meaning that biological objects and artifacts can be resolved.
The answer is "Option D".
OLAP reports stands for Online Analytical Processing reports, These reports provide a platform that behind many application use in Business Intelligence. and other options are incorrect that can be described as follows:
- In option A, It is used to store the data into the OLAP report, that's why it is not correct.
- In option B, It is software that is used for analytics data, that's why it is not correct.
- In option C, It is used for finding index values in the 2D array that's why it is not correct.