1.Oil prices and economic inefficiency
2.Ethnic tensions
3.Gorbachev’s reforms
A legislative branch was proposed by the Virginia Plan and this was a Bicameral legislature consisting of two chambers. Three branches were involved in this plan namely Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
- This plan is mainly notable for its role in setting an overall agenda and also for setting the idea of Population-weighted representation.
- Along with the New Jersey plan, this plan existed to support small state's interests.
- The scope of resolutions succeeded in broadening the debate for encompassing fundamental values to the structure and powers of the national government.
- The main principles stated that "Each of the states would be represented to the number of free inhabitants. This resulted in the states with a large population having more representatives than the smaller states".
- The legislative branch would have the power to veto state laws if the states were deemed incompetent was a proposal put by the Virginia Plan.
Shams ad-Din Abu Abd Allah Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Luwati at-Tanyi, better known as Ibn Battuta was an important Muslim traveler who was born in the mid 14th century in Morocco; although little is known about him, it is said that he would have traveled longer distances than Marco Polo, Ibn Yuzayy, a Historian to whom Battuta would have told his travels, wrote the Rhila or their chronicles.
In one of these chronicles, he reached Mogadishu and several impressions were recorded. First of all, some customs,such as the one of approaching travelers´ vessels before they arrive to the harbor and offer different services, such as food and hospitality. He found people from Mogadishu generous and welcoming, and described the city as very big, noticing that there was an active trade of sheeps and camels, as there was a big amount of those animals being slaughtered there.
Later in the chornicles, as he was invited to stay in Mogadishu at the Sultan´s home -Bakr ibn Shaikh Umar-, a description of the customs regarding the Sultan´s activities is recorded, particularly in his role as head and leader of the community.
Hello to answer correctly
John Cobot<span> was the first person under British rule to cross the Atlantic.
Signed by, </span>Frequent Answerer Sargedog
eastern, Tigris and Euphrates
Mesopotamia lay at the eastern end of the Fertile Crescent, in the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.