The easy part of your response is to assert confidently that you do consider yourself a success. Make sure you look the recruiter in the eye and sell the statement with a confident tone, but without bragging. The more challenging task, however, is to back up your assertion. It's important to provide the interviewer with evidence of how you achieved success in the workplace.
Provide one or two examples of times when you have set and met a professional goal. Briefly explain how you achieved each success – perhaps you overcame an obstacle, effectively managed a team, or budgeted your time effectively. The goal is to demonstrate your determination and willingness to take on challenges and achieve results.
You might also mention successes you hope to achieve in the future or are currently working to achieve. For example, if you mention your successful sales record, you may also want to explain how you hope to improve upon that success in the future. It will demonstrate that you are hungry for new challenges in the new position.
Worksheet simple past of regular verbs
Conjugate the verbs correctly
Where are the verbs?
The coins symbolize "People's thoughtlessness about each others' suffering"
The correct answer is <u>D</u>: She became very well accustomed to life among the Americans.
In this passage, we can see that Alvarez became accustomed to life in the United States. She was a popular kid and she enjoyed hanging out with American children and felt comfortable when she was surrounded by her friends. She also ignored her family and cousins, their tradition, their native land, and all she wanted is to be on her own and pursue her dreams in America, as Judy Alcatraz.
<span>1. A charging elephant can move at speeds up to twenty-five miles per hour, however, the fastest a human can run is twenty-seven miles per hour</span>