<span>All planets revolve around the sun. - Incorrect. There are many planets that revolve around other stars.
Option C, coracoid process of the scapula
Coracobrachialis muscle is one of the essential muscles that is responsible for the movement of elbow along with biceps brachii and triceps muscles.
The coracobrachialis arises from the coracoid process of the scapula. It assists the elbow in flexion and internal rotation. Musculocutaneous nerve passes through the Coracobrachialis muscle and terminates at the lateral end of the cutaneous nerve of the forearm. However, the Coracobrachialis terminates at the humerus and its medial surface
Hence, option C is correct
Según el Sistema Internacional (SI), la frecuencia se mide en hercios (Hz), en honor a Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. Un hercio es la frecuencia de un suceso o fenómeno repetido por segundo. Así, un fenómeno con una frecuencia de dos hercios se repite dos veces por segundo.
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[ Explanation ]
Physiology is the study of the functions and mechanisms in which your body works. It is how your body keeps you alive and how each part functions differently. It is how your organs, organ systems and cells keep you alive. They all perform different functions, but they all work together. It is almost like a car. Each part is different. The brakes stop the car, the gas makes the car go, this does this and that does that. However, even though they are all different, they all have one job; to make the car go from one location to the other. Physiology is the study of how each organ or cell does it's job. They explore deeper and reveal it's actual function.
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B. They all have the same genes but some have hair and some don't
Type I genes tend to be involved in immune response or sensory receptors while type III genes are involved in cell to cell signalling and type II genes are a complex mix of all three types.