When they go to bed and what makes them stay up late
She would most likely need to know what time they go to bed because that could be a large factor in when they sleep. If they go to bed at 9 pm, then they wouldn't really benefit from a later sleep because they only get a few hours of sleep even if school started later. Meanwhile students who go to bed later would certainly benefit from the earlier start time.
Also she would need to know why they go to sleep late. For example, homework makes them stay up late because they need to finish their assignments, work on projects, study, etc. Another example is after school activities, students could arrive home late due to sports and have to eat dinner right as they come back, forcing them to do work late at night.
Sustenence is the word
the one that feeds my soul
The one that pumps my existence
Sustenence is the nurishment,
that fuels my being
It gives me hope
It gives me courage
It can be love, or perhaps a goodnight's rest
It can be the tender kiss of mum,
or the harsh words of a teacher
For sustience is everything that drives me
Be glad your nose is on your face, you might dislike your nose a lot. The wording of this first stanza allows a childlike tone to be embraced, given that no word would be out of a child's reach of understanding.
The answer is aware that her tactics are not appropriate.