1. De donde eres
which means where are you from? All the others mean how are you?, Whats new? and How is it going?
2. De nada
which means you're welcome, All the others mean goodbye, see you later, and see you tomorrow. Which are all ways of saying goodbye.
3. La siento
which means I can feel it, All the others mean you're welcome, delighted, and and the pleasure is mine.
Para resolver una ecuación cuadrática utilizando el método de la raíz cuadrada Los pasos son: Paso 1. Aislar el término cuadrático y convertirlo en coeficiente. Paso 2. Use la propiedad de raíz cuadrada. Paso 3. Simplifica el radical. Paso 4. Verifique las soluciones.
1. they are getting smaller and lighter
2. Everything is ready for the launching of the largest on Earth. With it you can see parts of the space never seen before.
3. The first animal that survived was a sheep.
4. To watch movies, you will need snacks
5. Why do people make a wish when they see a shooting star.
6. There is still a lot left on the surface of the Moon.
Tengo una hermana y su nombre es Debra, tiene catorce años, tiene cabello castaño. Ella es bonita, inteligente e inteligente.
Monday is the first day of the week according to the international standard ISO 8601, but in the US, Canada, and Japan, it's counted as the second day of the week. Monday is named after the Moon. Monday is named after the Moon. Monday comes after Sunday and before Tuesday in our modern-day Gregorian Calendar.