Yes, I appreciate the philosophy of the ants. (Find reasons below)
The ants are hardworking insects that bring in their food when the weather is just right, provide food for their queen, and build the walls of their colonies. Given how tiny these insects are, they can be regarded as hardworking. The philosophy of the ants to 'never borrow and never lend' is one that keeps them on their toes. This mentality promotes independence and serves as motivation for a person to never rely solely on others for help. That way, no one will be a liability to another.
Even though in real-life settings, things can become so difficult that we sometimes beg, still, this philosophy will ensure that begging never becomes a habit.
ما في الا انا بس انا عندي مشكلة ما عندي شي انا عندي مشكلة في حياتي انا عندي مشكلة
After changing the pronoun focus, the sentences can be:
Walking is one of the best forms of exercise because it helps one lose weight and improve one's cardiovascular systems while one enjoys being outside in the fresh air.
(Alternative answer - see the explanation below)
Walking is one of the best forms of exercise because it helps people lose weight and improve their cardiovascular systems while they enjoys being outside in the fresh air.
When writing formally, we must avoid permeating our texts with sentences that are too personal. Formal writing demands impersonality, which makes it sound more trustworthy and unbiased. Therefore, using the first person "I" should be avoided. One way to substitute it is by using the pronoun "one", as we did in the first answer above. Some people find it difficult to use "one". If that is the case, we can always use "you" or "people". These do not sound as formal as "you", but are still less personal and informal than "I".
The Boy Who Dared is a 2008 novel by American children's author Susan Campbell Bartoletti. It is based upon the true story of Helmuth Hübener, the youngest person to be sentenced to death by the Nazis during World War II. He was arrested and killed on October 27, 1942 sent to a death penalty by guillotine.