C. his need to hold on to his human memories
After waking up only to find himself transformed into giant insect and deprived of every human contact, Gregor Samsa undergoes massive emotional and existential crisis.
His family is frightened by him, they avoid contact, he spends days alone in his room trapped in this huge insect body. He realizes that the only things that connects him to his previous human life are his memories and his possessions, which he now cherrishes and clings onto so very much.
The correct APA format should be is "Hamari, Koivisto, and Sarsa (as cited in Chen, Burton, Mihaela, & D.M. Whittinghill, 2015, p.<span>39)"
In the reference list, you may list </span> Koivisto, Sarsa andHamari. In an APA format, should follow the author-date method, meaning the authors last name came first follow by the date of publication.
After his arrest, Dr Martin Luther King wrote Letter from Birmingham Jail in response to a letter published in a newspaper by a group of white pastors from the clergy.
Eli is walking the dog after he had finished his homework
Parallelism is a technique in grammar where there is a balance created in a sentence by using the same verb forms or word forms so that the words would have a parallel meaning and be easily read and understood.
Therefore, rewriting this sentence, "The dog is being walked by Eli after Eli had finished his homework" to make it parallel and using the active voice and perfect tense would give us Eli is walking the dog after he had finished his homework.
I’m almost positive your answer would be (A) please correct me if I’m wrong