I was about 4 years old and I had a dog.
One day I was bored. I went into the kitchen and my dog was sitting in front of the oven. My mom was in the laundry room washing clothes. My stepdad wasn't home. My brother was at a playdate he was about 6 years old.
I asked my mom if I could give the dog an ice cube because she was hot. My mom said yes. I went to give the dog the ice cube and it slid under the oven. When I bent down to get it. The dog thought I was trying to hit her or something and she jumped up and bit me in the face right above my eye.
I screamed and my mom came running. She saw that there was blood everywhere. She bought me to the hospital. It took 5 doctors, a blanket, a cop, and my mom and dad to hold me down for stitches. I had to get 9 stitches.
I'm now 14 years and to this day I still have the scar. My mom told me about two years ago that she wanted to put that dog on a leash and sho*t it but she didn't. She put it down.
Btw this isn't my story but good luck I paraphrased it for you so if your teacher's plagarism detects it, it won't show up.