credit card companies call customers who pay on time "dead beats"
interests that are too high are called usury and against the law but credit card companies dont get in trouble for that
credit card purchases are protected by the credit card company in that if someone buys a bad product with a credit card, they can deny the charge and not have to pay
credit card debt can be erased with bankruptcy
credit card companies to try to give credit cards to people
who went through bankruptcy, because in a way bankruptcy is kind of a do over
report card grade so to speak for a person who wants a credit card is called a fico score
if a person pays the entire credit card bill in one month they do not have to pay interest
using a credit card is basically borrowing money. its basically an unsecured loan or liability meaning no property is offered as collateral to get the money
collateral is property a bank can take if a person cannot pay his loan
The repetition of the word “whirl” creates a sense of "intensity".
"Oread", one of Hilda Doolittle’s best-known lyrics, which was first distributed in the issue of BLAST in 1914, serves to outline this early style well. The title Oread was included after the piece was first composed, to propose that a nymph was ordering up the ocean. Here is the short poem, (One of my favorites);
Whirl up, sea—
whirl your pointed pines,
splash your great pines
on our rocks,
hurl your green over us,
cover us with your pools of fir.
Agnatha (Ancient Greek is a superclass of jawless fish in the phylum Chordata, subphylum Vertebrata, consisting of both present (cyclostomes) and extinct (conodonts and ostracoderms) species. The group is sister to all vertebrates with jaws, known as gnathostomes.
Recent molecular data, both from as well as embryological data[8] strongly supports the hypothesis that living agnathans, the cyclostomes, are monophyletic.
The oldest fossil agnathans appeared in the Cambrian, and two groups still survive today: the lampreys and the hagfish, comprising about 120 species in total. Hagfish are considered members of the subphylum Vertebrata, because they secondarily lost vertebrae; before this event was inferred from molecular and developmental data, the group Craniata was created by Linnaeus (and is still sometimes used as a strictly morphological descriptor) to reference hagfish plus vertebrates. In addition to the absence of jaws, modern agnathans are characterised by absence of paired fins; the presence of a notochord both in larvae and adults; and seven or more paired gill pouches. Lampreys have a light sensitive pineal eye (homologous to the pineal gland in mammals). All living and most extinct Agnatha do not have an identifiable stomach or any appendages. Fertilization and development are both external. There is no parental care in the Agnatha class. The Agnatha are ectothermic or cold blooded, with a cartilaginous skeleton, and the heart contains 2 chambers.
While a few scientists still regard the living agnathans as only superficially similar, and argue that many of these similarities are probably shared basal characteristics of ancient vertebrates, recent classification clearly place hagfish (the Myxini or Hyperotreti) with the lampreys (Hyperoartia) as being more closely related to each other than either is to the jawed fishes.
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