Meter-Yard Stick- And etc
I am tottally sure that in “The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock,” T. S. Eliot deliberately uses <span>modern </span> language.
Heeey english pleees i an not understand
I'll use me and one of my sisters as an example if that's okay. (also, I only have . between every word my sister says because she talks really fast.)
Me: "Why are you so upset?"
Me: "Come now, and tell me, or do I have to get Mammaw?"
Sister: "No.I.Don't.Want.To.Tell.You.I.Said.Leave.Me.Alone!"
Me: "What ever. Eventually, I'll find out."
Basically, or at least in my adopted family, the females like to yell when they're upset or angered, and when they're in a good mood, they talk as if they never yelled in their life. I know it's not the same for all females, because I don't do it and I have friends who don't do it.