The Organization of American States (OAS) was founded on
April 30, 1948. It is established for the purpose of regional solidarity and cooperation
among the member states. During the Ninth International Conference of American
States which was held in Bogotá between March and May 1948; led by the United
States Secretary of State George Marshall. The meeting led the members to
pledge to fight against communism in the western hemisphere. The meeting also
adopted the American declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man the world’s
very first general human rights instrument.
economic interests, cultural values, the power of the federal government to control the states, and, most importantly, slavery in American society.
- A Socratic Circle (also known as a Socratic Seminar) is a systematic procedure used to examine a text or explore a concept through a series of questions and answers founded on the beliefs that all new knowledge is connected to prior knowledge,