This is all i found on google, hope it helps some!
Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. They usually match well and create serene and comfortable designs. Analogous color schemes are often found in nature and are harmonious and pleasing to the eye. Make sure you have enough contrast when choosing an analogous color scheme.
Cut i believe. i don’t think you have the full question written though
All of the above
All factors contribute to the main responsibilities of group members towards the group.
Hope it helps!
When they ask you how u got here u say GOD BROUGHT ME
When they ask u how u did it u say GOD TAUGHT ME
When they ask why u did it u say GOD TOLD ME
This my time to get it God Told me
I never wrote I song I could not lie
I never wrote a song that not rhyme
Speeding through my town with a STOP LIGHT
Driving through my town while the cops search me with a SPOT LIGHT
The four major qualities of Greek drama were that they were performed for special occasions (such as festivals), they were competitive (prizes were awarded for the best show), they were choral (singing was a large part of drama, and the chorus was all men, about 3 to 50 of them), and they were closely associated with …
hope it helps