9. Normal tides would remain the same but neap and spring tide cycle would be cut in half. Meaning if there was a neap tide after every 14 days it would come 2 times faster (after every 7 days)
Cellular respiration is the term given to the metabolic reactions responsible for the conversion of biochemical energy in nutrients to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) with the generation of waste productions. ATP is required to provide the chemical energy to reactions in the cell that maintain homeostasis.
The function of the bones in bats that are homologous to finger bones in humans is to FLY.
Homologous anatomy- it means that the organisms have the same anatomy or bone structure but it is used for different functions. They are evolved from a common ancestor.
human beings, bats and birds have the homologous forearms. They have the same types of bones present in their forearm but however each of them use it for different purposes. A human being uses to lift things, cook, type and other mundane things whereas a bat uses it's forearms as wings to fly.