In 1998, newspaper sources revealed that President Clinton had had a sentimental affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House worker. Bill Clinton's impeachment was initiated by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998 on two counts: perjury, as he had lied about not having had any kind of relationship with Lewinsky, and obstruction of justice, as he tried to prevent the truth from being ascertained regarding said affaire. Ultimately, Clinton was acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 12, 1999, as the two-thirds of senators needed to convict the President were not obtained.
B. By showing that the meatpacking industry did not have high standards of safety and cleanliness.
A government may regulate trade as well as to rule over land. Governments also control people and decide things about what morality to accept or punish. In many countries, there are strict rules about sexual intercourse and drugs which are part of law and offenders are punished for disobeying them.
I agree with the Federalists because they feared a strong government and that they needed a bill of rights to protect the citizens. (the citizens rights)