Answer B boom towns
To start answers C and D make absolutley no sense so they are out of the pictrue leaving us with C and D
Oil wells dont have populations you cant live in or at an oil well however boom towns makes sense for the first characteristic.
You may think Boom Towns doesnt make sense for characteristics 1 and 2 however the phrase boom town was coined during Oklahoma's oil rush.
The awnser is B trust me
Might not be what you are looking for but many americans moved into the suburbs
Quite a bit land resulting from the Morrill-Land Grant Act was purchased by land speculators. The correct answer is Morrill-Land Grant Act.
In the poem "Garden of My Childhood, the author’s childhood garden is a metaphor for his home country, China. With great sorrow, Chang has to leave the garden of his childhood, that is to say, China, and flee to another country (America). Therefore, the central team of the poem is exile, and Chang’s feelings about leaving his home and his new life.
The Treaty of 1818 between the US and Britain stated the Oregon Country would be jointly occupied by the US and Britain. But it resulted in disputes between Americans and British and another treaty, the Oregon Treaty, was signed in 1846. It stated the Oregon Country would be divided in two. The US would get all the land south of the 49th parallel (which eventually became the states of Washington and Oregon) and the British would get all the land north of the 49 parallel (which became British Columbia). Except for Vancouver Island off the coast of the Oregon Country, 4/5's of Vancouver Island was north of the 49th parallel so the US said Britain could have all of it instead of splitting it at the 49th parallel.