1. Hodie viis ad Europam ambulamus.
2. Romanas terras pugnis non occupabunt!
3. Carro et equo ex provinciis cibum portabamus.
4. Romani ("The Romans" - nom. pl) deos templis, sacrificiis et statuis laudabant.
5. Servus in arena gladio pugnabit.
Your sentences are in Latin.
I provided a translation of them in English for you below.
1. Today we walk the way to Europe.
2. Roman lands punches not occupy!
3. cars and horse carrying food from the provinces.
4. Roman ( "The Roman" - nom. Pl) gods, temples and statues meal mask.
5. The slave sword fight in the arena.
I'm not sure if you wanted a translation or what. You didn't provide any directions.
If this wasn't what you where looking for, just comment below and I will change my answer.
Hope I hepled otherwise!!
Ill say Mexico because of its history and culture, and from my point of view it's the most famous spanish speaking country.
<span>Scrie o compoziție de 100-150 cuvinte în care să prezinți cel mai frumos început / sfârșit al anului școlar ...... Vrei să scriu una? Vrei să fie ficțiune, non-ficțiune. Cine e caracterul principal?
<span>Write a composition of 100-150 words in which to present the most beautiful start / end of the school year ...... Do you want to write one? Want to be fiction, non-fiction. Who is the main character?</span>
It is closely associated with the term "mind"