The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
Computer is an electronic and digital device. Computer can be used everywhere in our daily life. You can use a computer to search for something over the internet related to your study etc.
The following fields where you can see the use of computers.
- Education
- Business
- Hospital
- Banking sector
- Home
- Marketing
- Government offices
- etc
You can see the use of computers everywhere in our daily life.
int counter = 0;
String userInput = "";
while (userInput != "stop") {
print "What pet do you have? ";
userInput = readInputLine();
if (userInput != "stop" ){
counter = counter + 1;
print "\nYou have one ";
print userInput;
print ". Total # of Pets: ";
print counter;
not sure what programming language you use, therefore the answer is pseudocode but it should give you an idea how to implement a piece of code for this problem.
Also, from the way you described the exercise I'm not sure if you always are supposed to reply with "you have one" + the pet or if you should count how often the same pet was entered.
Hi there! Please find the answer below.
The program below demonstrates how each of the requirements can be coded in a simple Python script. To copy the array, we can use the copy() method of the array. To calculate the diff, we can use a few different techniques, so I have implemented it using a loop over the arrays and just storing and displaying the difference in the 2 arrays.
def add_test_score(score):
contact_hash = {}
test_score = []
print("Enter 5 test scores: ");
for x in range(0, 5):
input_string = input("Enter test score " + str(x + 1) + ": ")
test_score_copy = test_score.copy();
for e in test_score_copy:
if e < 60:
test_score_copy[test_score_copy.index(e)] += 10;
diff = [];
for e in test_score:
if not test_score[test_score.index(e)] == test_score_copy[test_score.index(e)]: