Explanation: Carbohydrates are important for providing the energy needed to the body, whereby they digest, decompose and release glucose. Glucose is important because of the energy needed by the body in metabolic processes. In addition, carbohydrates provide energy storage, which can be used later, so we have energy reserves when needed. Carbohydrates contribute to muscle preservation because stored glucose is mainly found in muscle. The fact that carbohydrates in addition to carbon, hydrogen also contains oxygen, which is the main cleaner of the body and reduces the risk of many diseases.
They have a shared interest in the issues.
In each state, the executive branch is headed by a governor<span> who is directly elected by the people. In every state, the other leaders in the executive branch are also elected like the attorney general.</span>
4.) France and Great Britain
France and the British Empire were colonial superpowers for more then 400 years. They managed to conquer and control enormous amounts of territory across the planet. One of the continents that they managed to colonize was Africa. There were other countries that had their colonies in Africa too, but these two countries were by far superior. Because they were able to conquer most of the continent, these two European countries managed to make lot of wealth from the natural resources of Africa, as well as its labor force. Also, apart from having benefit, they contributed to the cultural landscape of Africa, with the English and French languages, as well as multiple other cultural traits, such as their religion, became widespread across the continent.
Passed in 1830, authorized Andrew Jackson to negotiate land-exchange treaties with tribes living east of the Mississippi (targeted Georgia). The treaties enacted under this act's provisions paved the way for the reluctant—and often forcible—emigration of tens of thousands of American Indians to the West.<span>Nullification Crisis</span>