Stream flow is mercer creek, an urban creek in weston Washington, increase more quickly, reach a higher peak discharge, has a larger volume during a one day Strom on February 1 , 2000, then stream flow than newaukum creek, a nearby rural streAm that drains a basin of similar size
The world's growth population decreasing but slowly. The growth rates on 2019-2020 are about %1.14 and have only decreased %0.2 since the 2000s. If this tendency of -0.2 percent continues, by the end of the century there would be a %0.314 growth of world population.
To reach a end of growth towards the end of the century other factors have to be involved, like worlds remaining resources ( water, food) and estimated analysis on birth/death data to have an idea of how the world population would growth would behave.
Cultural geography is also called human geography since it does have to do with how humans interact with environments. It is the study of how the various aspects of physical geography affect individual cultures.