The emotion the narrator in Living to Tell the Tale mainly feels toward the thief is D: empathy.
In <em>Living to Tell the Tale</em>, García Márquez makes an autobiographical recount of all the characters that has been significant in his life. He starts writing this book when he finds out he has cancer and he thinks it is important to tell the readers about all the people that has, in some way or another, changed his life.
When he remembers the events in his short story <em>La Siesta del Martes</em>, which describes a woman arriving in town with her daughter to put flowers on the grave of her son who had been shot while attempting to break into García Márquez's aunt's house, he says he feels like if he was the thief. He reflect's himself in the thief. His autobiographical self is beginning to live the life of the characters ins his fiction.
the life lesson or the moral of the story .
Some people are born superstars, really! Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer is a perfect example. <u>However</u>, his hands and feet are bigger than normal, which helps him move quickly through the water.
<u>Moreover</u> he can reach his arms higher above his head than can other swimmers.
(I believe), that the one difference between Hamlet and Simba out of the options, is that <span>Hamlet ends up in love with a girl.
Faith xoxo</span>
Despite our many differences, Americans have always come together every Independence Day to celebrate our national birthday. Which is truly fitting. From the nation’s beginnings, our leaders have warned that strength can be found only in unity.
George Washington said that “the bosom of America” was open to all, but only if they were willing to be “assimilated to our customs, measures, and laws: in a word, soon become our people.” Alexander Hamilton said the nation’s future would depend on its citizens’ love of country, lack of foreign bias, “the energy of a common national sentiment, [and] a uniformity of principles and habits.”
Indeed, the one sure way to bring down America, according to Theodore Roosevelt, “would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities,” each insisting on its own identity. And Woodrow Wilson said flatly, “You cannot become thorough Americans if you think of yourselves in groups. America does not consist of groups. A man who thinks of himself as belonging to a particular national group has not yet become an American.”