1. adopt their husbands' surnames
Married women legally adopt their husband's surname, similar to the Spanish naming customs practised over centuries and until the present.
The surname rules can have some exceptions but, generally speaking, the Hispanics in Latin America will have two given names, including a paternal (primer apellido or apellido paterno) , and the maternal (segundo apellido or apellido materno) surnames.
When women are single, they use both surnames, and once they get married they will take the surname of the husband. This is an accepted and common practice that still exists today.
In some instances, she will be asked to provide her original maternal surname.
The type of Scienter Seth has is intent to deceive
Scienter is the a kind of mental function or state which encourages a person to manipulate, defraud or have an intent to deceive. It also involves the act of having a guilty or evil knowledge.
If the action is not performed with an innocent reason, or it is not performed by mistake, or if the action is perfomed intentionally or on purpose, or even with full knowledge, then we'll say a scienter has taken place.
The scienter Seth has here is the intent to deceive. His act of him making a false claim that the car has a low mileage, knowing fully well his statement his claim is false and untrue means Seth has an intent to deceive.
Try C and if im not right i am so sorry