What type of stained glass window is shown below a circular stained glass window in the Notre Dame Cathedral? The stained glass window shown in the picture is a rose window.
Rose window, also called wheel window, in Gothic architecture, decorated circular window, often glazed with stained glass. Scattered examples of decorated circular windows existed in the Romanesque period (Santa Maria in Pomposa, Italy, 10th century).
1) Gershwin's Porgy and Bess is considered a musical and a D) folk opera. <span>Porgy and Bess is a </span>folk tale which was taken as a basis of the opera. The first time Porgy and Bess was performed in Boston on September, then <span>it moved to Broadway in New York City which was a great success for composer and the troupe.
2) "The question" in Charles Ives's The Unanswered Question is represented by B) the program. The composer gives<span> a narrative as in </span>program music, that is a type of music<span> that attempts to musically render an extra-musical </span>narrative. Even though Ives employed very creative technique, The Unanswered question was not popular and <span>was not performed until 1946.
</span><span>3) The American composer that was not influenced by jazz is A) Aaron Copland. The rest of composers were greatly influenced by jazz, which can be understood at the very beginning of any of their works. But Copland was different, he came up with his self-made style after three years of studying with Boulanger whose eclectic approach to music he found inspiring.
4) A fuging tune, by definition, includes A) imitative polyphony. A fugue is a contrapuntal compositional technique that is enacted in two or more voices, built on a musical theme that is introduced at the beginning in imitation. In music, imitation means repetition at different pitches. Fuging tune is special because it is tend to recur frequently throughout the composition.
5) The most important American composer of tone poems was <span>Edward MacDowell B) </span>Edward MacDowell. Tone poem, which is also known as symphonic poem, is a piece of orchestral music that illustrates the content of non-musical source. It was brought into the world by composer Franz Liszt and popularized in many works of Edward MacDowell, in his <span>second piano concerto.</span></span>
In theory, we could make foods that are unhealthy (which would otherwise be undesirable) taste better with less additives, and thus allowing heathier foods to be more prevalent in everyone's houses. Even though processed food is unhealthy, people still buy it because it tastes good. But if we can change the way people taste food, We may be able to reduce the amount of salt content in foods, and other things in foods that would normally make them taste good and even potentially encourage people to buy healthier foods instead of processed ones. However, there are some potential issues with this strategy.
1. Trust Issues: While most people probably don't look at the nutrition facts of food products to find artificial flavors at the grocery store, some people might not want to ingest such food-altering chemicals. These people could make it hard for this approach to work, because they can discourage others from buying the food product.
2. It May Not Be Ready: While research and development of artificial flavors has gone on for years, it still might not be good enough for this purpose. Take artificial sweeteners and candy for example. Some artificial sweeteners don't taste very good and aren't true replacements for sugar. Lots of candies say one their wrappers, that they are a specific flavor. But when you taste them, they don't always taste like that flavor. The same issue can be faced when trying to make foods healthier. The chemicals used could potentially not work correctly, which can cause the food to not taste the way it's supposed to.
In conclusion, I don't think that this approach is viable, because of the possibility of it not working as expected.
This is what I thought of off the top of my head. Hope it helps!