Katie is writing a literary analysis of “The Story of an Hour.” Read a brief summary of the plot. In “The Story of an Hour” by K
ate Chopin, there has been a railway disaster. Louise Mallard learns that her husband, Brently Mallard, is listed among the dead. Alone in her room, Louise begins to realize what this will mean for the rest of her life. Which of the following sentences belongs in the introduction paragraph of Katie’s analysis? A. Written in the late 1800s, "The Story of an Hour" reflects the oppressive nature of marriage that marked that era.
B. Mrs. Mallard knows that, from this point on, she can live for herself and no one else; that "all sorts of days . . . would be her own."
C. When Mrs. Mallard learns of her husband's death, she begins to realize that never again will there be a "powerful will bending her."
D. The author never tells the reader what Mrs. Mallard is feeling, but she clearly reveals this through Mrs. Mallard's actions and words.