Think about slavery. The average African-American will have very low morale if he is forced to work. Low morale means their work ethic will slip, and sub-par work ethic leads to sub-par product. You'll actually be saving money if you free your slaves. Rather than paying tens of thousands of dollars to buy them and then paying for all of their expenses beyond that, you'll just have to pay them monthly or weekly wages. Abolition is both cost effective and stimulating to the economy.
Large concentrations of individuals were more expensive to care for, especially medically. Most slave owners were primarily concerned about the so-called "wage bubble" that would burst and leave all slave owners destitute, when in reality slave owners who freed their slaves and still had some working for them as freemen flourished.
A current example of cultural diffusion is that carried out by the association Contraluz, founded some twenty-five years ago, in the city of Avignon (France). There Spaniards of origin, who had to migrate from that country can take Spanish classes and promotion of gatherings to practice it, exhibitions of painting and photography, lectures on the history and the current situation of Spain and the Ibero-American countries, screening of Spanish films and Latin American, promotion of music and dance, from the sevillanas and flamenco, to the Latin rhythms of the other part of the Atlantic.
The immediate causes of the Hundred Years War were the dissatisfaction of Edward III of England with the nonfulfillment by Philip VI of France of his pledges to restore a part of Guienne taken by Charles IV; the English attempts to control Flanders, an important market for English wool and a source of cloth
i believe that the answer is A
The correct answer is Czechoslovakian leader Alexander Dubcek
Socialism with a human face was a policy of mild democratization and political that was aimed at helping the Communist Party to maintain real power. Alexander Dubček announced this political program at the Presidium of Communist Party of Czechoslovakia on April 1968