To indicate a substantiation or an action on someone’s behalf
Answer: These are the right answers:
yo cantaba
tú cantabas
usted cantaba
él/ella cantaba
nosotros cantábamos
ustedes cantaban
ellos/ellas cantaban
yo venía
tú venías
usted venía
él/ella venía
nosotros veníamos
ustedes venían
ellos/ellas venían
yo quería
tú querías
usted quería
él/ella quería
nosotros queríamos
ustedes querían
ellos/ellas querían
Explanation: Just to elaborate a little bit on the answer, it can be added that the <em>imperfecto</em> indicates that the action, the process, or the state that is expressed by the verb took place in conjunction with a past action. For instance: <em>Paula cantaba cuando sonó el teléfono</em>. In addition, it is often used to describe repetitive actions. For instance: <em>Carlos venía todos los días a verme</em>). It is formed by adding the following suffixes:
(yo) trabaj-aba com-ía viv-ía
(tú) trabaj-abas com-ías viv-ías
(usted, él, ella) trabaj-aba com-ía viv-ía
(nosotros, trabaj-ábamos com-íamos viv-íamos
(vosotros, -as) trabaj-abais com-íais viv-íais
(ustedes, ellos, ellas) trabaj-aban com-ían viv-ían
A command is saying like “hey Samantha go open the door.” Therefore you can always say “have her open the door”. Pronouns replace a proper noun so instead of saying Samantha you say her or she. You use these in a command by saying the pronouns. They work together by instead of saying the nouns proper name you say their pronouns to do the command. Proper nouns are more formal and direct while pronouns are indirect and informal. You don’t always have to say the proper noun when saying a command so that is how pronouns come into use. Therefore that is how you have a pronouns and commands work together.