the answer is 1/8
Explanation: the denominator
for both numbers have to be the same so you have to multiple the 4 in 2/4 by 2 and when you do that you also have to do the same thing for the 2 so multiple the 2 by 4 and then you will have 4/8 and then you can subtract 5/8 and 4/8. pretty simple
Dickinson writes with creative punctuation.
#8. The twins took their dogs, Muttsy and Flopsy, for a walk in the park.
#9. Jeff wants to be just like the Cookie Monster!
#10. Some people don't like Barney.
#11. Logan is Wolverine's real name, but he is also called Patch.
The expression, a chip off the old block means that people who resemble their parents in some way. For example, you could say <span>“Mark just won the same sailboat race his father won twenty years ago; he's a </span>chip off the old block<span>.”</span>
Allegory? An allegory is a<span> story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.</span>