A. Sintiendo.
B. Durmiendo.
A. Only gerunds for –ir verbs undergo a stem change. ... The verb sentir becomes sintiendo. For o-ue stem-changing verbs, change the o to a u. The verb dormir becomes durmiendo.
B. To form the present progressive, we conjugate the verb estar in the present and we add the present participle of dormir, which is durmiendo. Notice the change in the stem vowel from o to u!
1. Parada de autobús/ Parada de guaguas
2. Esperar (not sure)
3. Rascacielos
4. Buzón
5. Cine
6. Banco
7. Teatro
8. Iglesia
9. Plaza de recreo
10. Periódico
11. Revista
12. Película
13. Entrar
14. Individuos
15. Autobús
Debo, I think because yo goes with -o.