Bonjour je m'appelle Megan et aujourd'hui c'est mon anniversaire
(A) 1. I know that French is spoken almost everywere around the world.
2. French comes second after english
3. Learning French can benifit your career ( depending on what the career is)
(B) 1. I want to learn how to prounouce things in French a little better
2. I want to learn why French Is such a popular language around the globe
3. I want to know how French became an actually, official language and how it spread throughout the globe.
Bonjour !
Choose the verb below that can only take an indirect object (and not both a direct and an indirect object):
B. Téléphoner
Everything is good!
Good job
Have a good day ! :-)
French intonation starts at a higher pitch and falls continuously throughout the sentence, whereas in English, the stressed syllable has a higher pitch that what precedes and follows it. Listen to these sentences in English and French and see if you can hear the difference in intonation. Bold marks the higher pitch.
hmu if you need more help! :)