i) Population density
ii) Under population
iii) Over population
Population density is the number of people living in a square mile. In the future, economically developed nations may not have enough money to take care of older citizens because of underpopulation. In low-income nations, overpopulation is one reason for low standard of living.
To survive, otters need clean water in a relatively special, undisturbed environment.
That, and their small numbers over a large area, made them very vulnerable to pollution, habitat destruction and historic unregulated fishing. Unlike most people, sea otters like to cool their feet. In fact, their ice consumption is so high that Den Blå Planet has decorated the otter's enclosure with its own ice machine, so they always have a cold treat close at hand.
From the Vancouver Aquarium: Sea otters usually catch hard-shelled food - clams, abalone, clams, crabs... If they are too hard to break with their teeth, they crush them with a rock or against a rock. This is what this sea otter (Elfin) does when it hits the ice on a rock.
Learn about otters:
It only deflects warm air currents(to the east).
Sedimentary is the answer
Desalination is an important source of water supply for Singapore. With the Tuas desalination plant, we can meet up to 30% of Singapore's water needs. The Tuas desalination plant is the first in Singapore to use advanced pretreatment technology, a combination of dissolved air flotation and ultrafiltration.