All these terms are used in reference to a word or expression except for diction that refers to a way of pronouncing.
1. Manner of expressing ideas in words: diction
2. Worn out by use: trite
3. Words or phrases usually characterized by a special vividness or coloring: slang
4. Used in everyday, informal talk, but not in formal English : colloquial
5. Stiffly dignified or formal: stilted
6. Not definitely or precisely expressed :vague
the workplace, a persuasive message occurs when a person attempts to convince an individual or group to take certain specific actions. The two types of persuasive messages in the workplace are sales and marketing, which are utilized to achieve organizational objectives.
Checking time repeatedly throughout the night
the detail you can think about is How is Rhea going to save Zeus? What feelings to Rhea and Gaea Shareware? What angered Gaea to make her want to ruin Cronus? to connect the details is both are Mother's who are looking for ways to save their children. The theme is that a Mother's love is endless they will go to any lengths to protect their children