The correct answer to
this question is that:
“The realist artists wanted the viewer to see
that real life was like for so many, rather than just the life of the wealthy.”
<span>What we usually see
depicted in art are the treasures and luxurious life of the rich. To see the
other side of the coin, realists want us to realize that life is not just about
joy and pleasure, some of our brothers and sisters are suffering in poverty.</span>
Mnemonic devices help learning easier by coming up with some "nonsense" phrases like:
Please P Parenthesis
Excuse E Exponents
My M Multiplication
Dear D Division
Aunt A Addition
Sally S Subtraction
(Just an example)
Some might be more effective than others because they ae easier to remember.
당신은 특별하다! 잘 했어 ♡
(나는 한국인이 아니지만 배우기 시작했습니다. ㅋㅋㅋ)
"The major scale is considered the "home" sale and is also known as the lonian mode, followed by Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian and Locrian, with each mode beginning on the next note of the home scale."
Hope this helped, good luck in your studies!
It feels boring
But to fight corona virus we should stay at home no matter what and we are going to win also we should remember those who have passed away due to corona
So I will request everyone
Hope everyone is safe and happy