The appositive is usually a group of words related to a noun, usually a subject, and describes it in more detail.
The appositive here is a river that flows through Egypt.
Another way of easily spotting an appositive is by looking for commas - if it is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas, it is likely to be an appositive.
I read this story and so I can say its answer should be 4 (She has gained a deeper understanding of her daughter).
The answer to this question is ( Reverend Hale ).
When you say, "to swallow something hook, line, and sinker" it means to completely fall for whatever was said or to completely believe what was told or presented. Usually, what was presented is a lie, and when the person is gullible enough to believe it, the phrase applies.
Answer: I learned about the importance of forgiving
Explanation: I am a person with good feelings but before I always had a hard time forgiving others. It was difficult for me since I understood that others did not have to hurt me, so when I did not forgive I was filled with resentment. Over time I learned that forgiveness is the healthiest way to leave the past behind. You do not forgive yourself to make the other feel happy, but you forgive yourself to feel peace with yourself. Also through forgiveness, I learned that people often act in the way they have learned.