daring, intrepid, courageous, brave, valiant, fearless, unafraid, undaunted, dauntless, valorous. audacious, adventurous, dashing, heroic, gallant, swashbuckling, adventuresome, daredevil, venturesome, plucky, unflinching.
In the first stanza, she says that if she cannot do what she wants, she can at least refuse to do what she doesn't want to do
Negativity Bias
Why? Bc for someone to only focus on the past and not on what someone is doing for the future is so wrong
No, I do not think it is realistic, because the Socs are always worrying about their image so to try and put them selves in a situation that could make them seem imperfect to others is unrealistic.
the third one I guess
cause he gives a dirty look
Unlike D, If you replace "hoary" with "frosty" it doesn't make sense.