Gerald “Jerry” Gault's 1967 case established a new standard in our justice system. Margot Adler was a longtime journalist for NPR who began as a general ... Adler's 2007 interview with Gault and legal experts reflects on this historic case. ... Margot Adler reports, the quality of juvenile justice can often depend on geography.
Answer: Some themes present in Their eyes Were Watching God are Relations, Love, and Independence
Explanation: Their eyes Were Watching God is a story of How Jaine achieves a strong sense of self and comes to appreciate her independence Jane views fulfilling relationships as reciprocal and based on mutual respect as demonstrated in her relationship with Tea Cake which elevates Jane into an equality noticeably absent from her marriages to Logan and Jody. I hope this helps
bruh you had me trippin for a min but no it tlkin ab his future an wut he wants to see in others future
Amore,Song Sailors,Jackberry Blam,Gypsies in the City