Mark Twain was fond of condemning lying by saying, "If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything."
Quotations are usually used with a colon after a sentence. However, they can also be introduced with a comma when there is an introductory phrase before it, such as <em>by saying</em>. On the other hand, when the quotation is introduced in the sentence, the comma is not necessary, like the first sentence.
When the movie ends, what the oak tree does at the theater is that it leaves.
This is a pun supposed to have a humorous effect on the listener or the reader - usually, when a movie ends, people leave the theater. However, since this is a tree, and it's got leaves, you can understand the correlation between the two words.
The right answer ought to be chronological order
Sequential request implies that things happened in a specific succession with respect to the seasons of their event. That implies that succession is critical in light of the fact that it demonstrates the request in which the occasions happened.