It often depends on the type of art that the teacher was looking for. For example, if a ceramics teacher was looking for a coil pot, often times they will just hand out a rubric. Typically the requirements on art rubrics are loose- otherwise everybody's work would end up looking identical. For example, one requirement could just be "a couple rows of different coil designs" for a coil pot for full points on that assignment. Art teachers also grade based on a self-reflection form students may fill out. For more abstract pieces, the teacher might just grade based on why the student designed their artwork like that.
Hope that helped you.
What do you call someone wearing a belt with a watch attached to it?
A waist of time.
Did you hear about the guy who broke both his left arm and left leg?
He’s all right now.
Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn?
Because he had a great fall.
True, the <em>sound</em><em> </em>tech runs the <em>sound</em><em> </em>board.
<span>Practice breathing into your diaphragm. To breathe intoyour diaphragm, breathe in as deeply as you can and push your stomach out as far as possible while doing so, keeping the rest of your body as still as possible. Now exhale, and pull your stomach back in. Make sureyour shoulders don't move.</span>
a literature that is spoken or sung as opposed to that which is written, though much oral literature has been transcribed. There is no standard definition, as folklorists have varying descriptions for oral literature or folk literature.