Com-pu-ter, te-le-phone, au-to-mo-bile, traf-fic, sen-try, cor-net, real-is-tic, fan-a-tic, rep-et-it-ious, gi-gan-tic
I think those are right, because usually you hyphenate words if they don't fit on one line, and you're supposed to do that after the syllables. But I don't know if you're supposed to have multiple hyphens in one word..I did a hyphen at all syllables. Hope this helps you!
Answer: A
It may not follow a chronological order
I’m not sure what text you are reading but we haven’t achieved full equality yet with race, there are still forms of segregation and racism in everyday activities that should be easy for people of color as they are for quite people.
Very social there are always people coming up and more people after the next
When you join something like ig or and other social media you always end up with 10 or 20 followers in the next half hour