Number 6 is c. number 7 is a. and i'm not sure
of number 8 sorry
primary division of the sea, which includes the whole mass of water subdivided into neritic and oceanic zones; also pertaining to the open sea (open water)
The above mentioned process is called as <u>Anaerobic respiration
All organisms need oxygen to produce energy but in some prokaryotes and eukaryotes they lack the presence of oxygen in their environment. Hence they have adapted a strategy called anaerobic respiration to break down the inorganic molecules to produce energy.
They use carbon dioxide and release methane as the by product. The process of glycolosis helps. All types of fermentation happens anaerobically here. It helps down to break down the fuels and produce energy. This energy is utilized for their life function.
The source of the sugar metabolized by the seed is photosynthesis.
The procedure used by plants to transform light energy into a chemical form of energy is known as photosynthesis. The chemical energy can afterward be discharged to fuel the plants to perform their activities.
During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and water can be combined in the existence of chlorophyll and sunlight to generate oxygen and glucose (carbohydrates). However, the prime component generated in the procedure is glucose (sugar) that is the molecule, which generates energy to mediate the activities of the cell.
<h2>Anatomy of Aorta</h2>
- The protein elastin is found in connective tissues all through the body. It is eminently found in the extracellular lattice of the skin just as the inward organs of the body. The name elastin sounds a lot of like 'flexible.' This is no fortuitous event. The elastin protein is adaptable and gives numerous tissues their versatility.
- Inferable from its exceptional capacity to extend and withdraw, the aorta additionally fills in as a store that changes the profoundly compelled and pulsatile heart yield into a progression of moderate variances.
- The tunica intima comprises of a solitary layer of ECs that lines the lumen of the vein and is moored to the fundamental cellar film, an exceptionally particular ECM organize comprising basically of laminin, collagen type IV, fibronectin, perlecan, and heparan sulfate proteoglycans.
- This storm cellar layer additionally assumes a vital job in flagging occasions that direct EC movement, intrusion, expansion, and survival. The cellar film together with the inward flexible lamina (IEL) fills in as an interface between the tunica intima and tunica media.