Some removed rocks from the interior while others the exterior
There would be a deck, mast, cabin, cargo area, cannons, and 10 people
Deck: 10 yards by 25 yards
Mast: (sails) 50 meters tall 45 meters wide **3 of them**
Cabin: (Under deck) 10 feet deep, 10 yards wide, 10 yards long
Cargo area: (Under deck) 10 feet deep, yards wide, 5 yards long
Cannons: (On deck): 20 cannons all next to each other, with the area of 5ft pi.
:) we shoot other ships with the cannons ;)
Technoblade is in fact republican.
When wealthy or royal ancient Egyptians died, they were mummified and buried in tombs with money, food, wines, jewelry, and other expensive relics. They believed burying a body with expensive valuables, food, and money would assist them in the afterlife. They thought that they would need money and food and other kinds of valuables to live a comfortable life in the afterlife.