Feudal Japanese and European societies were built on a system of hereditary classes. The nobles were at the top, followed by warriors, with tenant farmers or serfs below. There was very little social mobility; the children of peasants became peasants, while the children of lords became lords and ladies.
C. Govenor-general
The Queen is the head of the Commonwealth of Australia, but with her powers delegated to the Governor-General by the Constitution. By convention, the Governor-General can act only on the advice of the elected government.
James K Polk is one of the historical figures that is really hard to judge by modern standards.
He was a forceful man with strongly held beliefs. He was the last in the line of "Jacksonian Presidents" with all of the baggage that came along with that.
Ultimately, he was a strong war time President. His single term in office led to the short lived Presidency of Zachary Taylor, who was significantly less informed and forceful than Polk. After Polk, the issue of slavery really came to the forefront. Polk was either responsible for delaying the prominence of this issue or just got lucky. It is likely that history would look much differently if Polk had a second term and continued his aggressive posture towards America's future.
I'd say he was a good President, for his time, who strongly acted on the economy and in regards to Mexico but whose record looks abysmal by modern standards and values.
The pronouns I, me, my
Details about sherman's march
as you may know, a letter is a manuscript that establishes interpersonal communication. The writer of a letter is telling about something personal about him, an experience, a memory, a feeling among others. In this case, it is correct that in a letter, the writer uses the pronouns "I", "me", "my". In addition, if the writer is on his way to Sherman, it is likely that he is participating in sherman's march and tell details of that experience in his letter.
The Women's suffrage movement led to the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote.