There are three sub-levels of governance in France: the Regions (régions), the Departments (départements) and the Municipalities (communes). They are not bestowed with legislative powers. They exercise their functions by means of regulations for some fields and through the execution of their budget.
The school council is responsible for overseeing and making decisions that pertain to academic regulations, parent-teacher communication, what children eat at la cantine, provisions for post-school care, organization of extracurricular activities and school security.
A. il arrive -> 3.he arrives
B ils arrivent -> 9.they (m) arrive
C qui arrive? -><span> 6. who arrives?
D. nous arrivons -> 7.we arrive
E. elles arrivent -> 10.they (f) arrive
F. j'arrive -> 1.I arrive
G. elle arrive -> 4. she arrives
H. vous arrivez -> 8. you (pl) arrive
I. on arrive -> <span>5. one arrives</span>
J. tu arrives -> 2. you arrive
j'ai besoin de plus de contexte s'il vous plaît
C,) essayons de
when using nous usually the ending of the word ends with ons