I Dislike homework because it is really mean. I want to burn homework with fire or like smash the computer. ITS SO Mean AND I Dislike IS SO MUCH. I wish it didn't exist I Dislike who came up with homework I REALLY REALLY Dislike homework. I wish I can never do homework ever. I get very angry about homework and I made a hole in the wall BECAUSE of homework BECAUSE I got REALLY angry and punched the wall and I really hurt my hand anyway i REALLY Dislike homework so i wish that homework never existed.
I really dislike homework because I feel that it is very pointless. Not only is it extra work that you will already be learning in the classroom, but if you need help on something your parents are most likely not going to remember it because they have never used it in their lives after graduating (because it is pointless!). I also really dislike homework because it causes so much extra stress and there is almost always so much homework to do every night. If homework is so important, why not have the students do it at school? That way they can ask the teachers for help, they can help each other, and they wouldn’t have to do as much because they already learned it In class, so it would be more like a review than actual homework. (I agree with the person above lol) Hope this helps in any way!
I am not completely sure but I think the answer is mine or miner. If you think about it you have to mine in order to get the ore out. Hope this helps!!!