Because of the difference in surface area to volume ratio
Surface are to volume ratio is the area of an object that is exposed to the external environment (surface area), compared to the amount within an object (volume).
Therefore an elephant has a lower surface area to volume ratio than a mouse.
The smaller an object is the greater its surface area to volume ratio.
Small animals have much more surface area per mass than large animals. With so much surface area, they lose heat very quickly. So, a mouse, with a lot of surface area per mass, must spend a lot more energy to stay warm than a large animal.
If the earth wasn't spinning , we wouldn't have summer, winter, fall, spring etc, it is important because we need the sun for certain seasons and no sun for others.
The organisms in this trophic level break down all the nutrients in the bodies of plants and animals and return them to the soil to be absorbed and used by plants. ... The second is the ecological niche, which encompasses the particular location occupied by an organism and its functional role in the community.